
Перш ніж починати роботу над квестом спробуйте відповісти на ці запитання:

Travelling questionnaire
1.   How often do you travel?
a)    Once a month
b)   Twice a year
c)    Once a year
2.   How do you plan your trip?
a)    Yourself
b)   Through a travel agent
3.   What is the most common purpose of your travel?
a)    Family vacations
b)   Sightseeing
c)   Business
d)   Adventures
e)    School trips
1.   What kind of transport do you prefer? Explain why
a)    Bus
b)   Plane
c)    Train
d)   Car
e)    Boat
2.   Where do you go most often?
a)    Countryside
b)   Seaside
c)    Mountains
d)   Deserts
e)    Historically significant places
f)     Big cities
3.   Have you ever travelled abroad?
a)    Yes
b)   No
4.   With whom do you travel most of all.
a)    Your family
b)   Your friends
c)    Your classmates
d)   Alone
5.   Where do you like to stay?
a)    Expensive hotels
b)   Hostels
c)    B&B
d)   Resorts
6.   Have you used any online travelling websites?
a)    Yes
b)   No
If yes, what sites have you ever used?
7.   Do you wish to go for a World tour? Explain why
a)    Yes
b)   No

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