Дополнительные материалы

Упражнения на тренировку вопросов
Exercise 1: Ask general questions.

1) My brother will soon go to the USA.
2) Two years ago we made a trip to Egypt.
3) The kids were excited to see a clown.
4) 1 am always busy on Mondays.
5) He tries to work hard at his English.
6) Jack promised to call me in two days.
7) David knows how to operate this machine.
8) Dad wasn't bored at the party.

Exercise 2: Ask different alternative questions. Use words in italics as the alternative.
1) \We traveled to Africa/America last/this summer/ autumn.
2) My friend/brother speaks three/four foreign lan­guages.
3) Kyiv/L'viv is the capital of Ukraine/Poland.
4) I usually drive my car/van very carefully/careless­ly.
5) She will soon become a teacher/doctor.
Exercise 3: Ask special questions to the words in italics

1) John reads books every day.
2) The song sounds beautiful.
3) We usually visit our grandparents at week-ends.
4) I met Nancy on Monday.
5) The day promised to be fine.
6) Bill showed the book to me.
7) My parents bought a car last month,
8) Every day my mother cooks breakfast for my family.

Exercise 4:, Write down the tags to the following ques­tions:

1) He is your friend,...?
2) You don't play football,...?
3) I am right,...?
4) There are no boys in your group,...?
5) Nancy can play the piano,...?
6) We have to be in a hurry,...?
7) We weren't late,...?
8) Let's play tennis,,..?
9) John knows how to operate the computer,...?
10) He has to think before he starts,...?
11) You didn't mean he wasn't honest,...?
12) Julia began learning the language last autumn,,..?

Exercise 5

1.      He didn't have to come in the morning,...?
2.      Tom's got a fancy red BMW,...?
3.      Let's call Natalie,...?
4.      There is a big supermarket just around the cor­ner, ...?
5.      She won't come to the party,...?
6.      You can't swim,...?
7.      Once there was a thick forest nearby,..,?
8.      She promised to come on time,...?
9.      Olivia had to mention this twice,...?
10.  Boris tries to be efficient,...?

Exercise 6
Образуйте вопросительные предложения, начиная их со слов в скобках:
a) Yesterday I went to the cinema. (When ...?) ;
b) Several years ago he lived in this town. (Where... ?)
c) She was busy in the morning. (Was ... ?)
d) Peter was the best student in our group. (Who... ?)
e) They were here in the morning. (When ... ?)
f) He danced with (Emma Did. ... ?)
Exercise 7
Ответьте на вопросы утвердительно и отрицательно.
e.g. Did they go to the cinema?Yes, they did. They went to the cinema. No, they didn 't. They didn 't go to the cinema.

a) Was she busy yesterday?
b) Did he dance with Emma?
c) Did she play tennis with you?
d) Did your brother tell you about it?
e) Did they have a lot of work to do the day before yesterday?
f)  Did we drink coffee in the morning?
g) Were they here yesterday

Exercise 8
Переведите предложения.

a) Где ты был утром? Я хотела с тобой поговорить.
b) Он жил в этом доме в прошлом году.
c) Кто ходил в кино вчера?
d) Вы были здесь на прошлой неделе?
e) Они были заняты вчера?
f) Она играла в теннис с тобой?
g) Твой брат рассказывал тебе об этом?
h) Том учился в университете?
i) Я не учил испанский в школе.
j) Она не говорила мне об этом.

Exercise 9

Переведите вопросы и ответы.
a) Который час? — Половина одиннадцатого.
b) Чья это книга? — Моя.
c) Сколько тебе лет? — Мне 25 лет.
d) Сколько сигарет ты выкуриваешь в день? — Около десяти.
e) Как часто он ходит в кино? — Каждую субботу.
f)  Сколько вина ты вчера выпил?—Я выпил две бутылки.
g) Какого цвета у него волосы? — Черные.
h) На каком языке они сейчас разговаривают? — Они говорят по-французски.
i) Какие фильмы ты любишь? — Я люблю фильмы ужасов,
j) О чем вы разговариваете? — Мы говорим о музыке.
к) Почему ты опоздал? — У меня не было часов.
l) Ты хочешь поговорить с ней сейчас или вечером? —  Я собираюсь поговорить с ней вечером.

Exercise 10
Окончите разделительные вопросы.

a) I'm late,...?
b) It's cold,... ?
c) This tea isn't very tasty,... ?
d) She can swim,... ?
e) You wouldn't like a kitten,... ?
f)  He gave you a change,... ?
g) There is a problem,... ?

Exercise 11
Переведите вопросы и дайте краткий утвердительный и крат­кий отрицательный ответы на каждый.

a) Он умеет плавать, так ведь?
b) Я прав, не так ли?
c) Холодно, не правда ли?
d) He жарко, правда?
e) Этот кофе не очень вкусный, правда?
f)  Она дала тебе книгу, так ведь?
g) Он не дал тебе ничего, не так ли?
h) У него есть машина, не так ли?

Exercise 12
Fill in the blanks with a question word and is or are.

1. Where's Marie's house? On 44th Street.
2. ... the games?    On the weekends.
3. ... the captain?  Simpson is
4.  ... the winners? Stella and Mike
5. ... your boots?   In the closet.
6. ... the next train?   Pretty soon.
7. those things? Radios.
8. …that young man? My big brother,
9. … their names? Smith and Brown.
10. ... Joyce?         At the library.

Exercise 13
/B. Student 1: read the sentence. Stu­dent 2: ask a question about the words in parentheses. Use a ques­tion word. Student 1: then choose an answer from the list.
A Ford. In the summer. Today. The ve­getables. Fish Terry Jones. His sister. On Q Street.
Ex. Annette Jones is my brother's wife. (Julia Johnson) Who's Julia John­son? His sister.

1. The sales meeting's next Tuesday. (The election of officers)
2. Penguins are birds. (Sharks)
3. Steve's car is a Volkswagen. (Mar­tha's car)
4. Brian birthday is in February. (His brother's birthday)
5. The chicken is in the oven. (The re­frigerator)
6. The library's on Grand Avenue. (The railroad station)
7. Winter is the vice-president. (The president)

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